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While some items now go back several years, it’s our experience that the content is still very relevant. The supporting technology continues to progress, but the process and people aspects of what we do continue to challenge teams in similar ways across the years. We’ll continue to add new items, please join our contact list or download an item to keep informed.


Sales & Operations Planning RESULTS
Full book of tips, traps, techniques, & tools, based on 20+ years of consulting all over the world. The book discussing finding, measuring, and measuring results throughout the supply chain and how that can be managed through S&OP.
Available in paperback and kindle formats on Amazon

S&OP Jumpstart!
This is a short primer booklet suitable for stakeholders who don’t have time for a full book, but want to learn more about S&OP and what it takes. We provide it to stakeholder groups on our projects and S&OP training participants. It’s a 30 minute read, 34 pages with lots of demonstrating graphics.
Available in paperback and kindle formats on Amazon


S&OP Implementation Success
56 pages of our S&OP implementation methodology. Contains examples, survey data, tips and traps, and an extended chapter on leading and managing change. This is a pre-release of material from the full book to be released soon on Amazon. Free for a limited time.

Choose the Right Supply Chain Consultant
An uncommon opportunity to gain an industry insider’s perspective on whether you need a consultant and what you should expect from one if you decide to get outside help. The author also provides candid comments on the industry in general. Submit your email and get a download link to this 19 page, pdf eBook.


“Revitalize Your S&OP” – Journal of Business Forecasting
The article provides an overview of S&OP, where it fits in the overall business planning process, and discusses seven specific levers that the reader can action to improve their S&OP process today. The article also describes tips and techniques that can be used to track S&OP improvement in your organization.

“Directing Success, 10 Tips for S&OP Sponsors” – APICS Magazine
The article discusses options for who should sponsor S&OP and gives 10 areas that Sponsors need to pay attention to for S&OP success.

“26 Ways to Get Sales On-Board with Demand Planning” – Supply Chain Quarterly
The article, published in Supply Chain Quarterly, discusses 26 ideas organized around process, information systems, organizational design, and change management to get sales more engaged in demand planning.

“Why S&OP Matters to the CFO” – Journal of Trading Partner Practices
Article looking at S&OP through the CFO’s eyes and why CFOs/Finance leaders are well-positioned to be leaders in this coordinating, leadership process.

“Align Your Organization Around S&OP” – Whitepaper
White paper describing how S&OP can help to align the plans and decision making processes in your organization.

“Rationalizing SKU Introductions” – Journal of Trading Partner Practices


S&OP and Supply Chain Roles & Responsibilities & RACI Charts – 2023
Org Considerations, Supply Chain Org Maturity Characteristics, RACI Charts

S&OP Benchmarking Study – 2018

Key Topics in S&OP – 2017
This year we added questions about strategic topics that are discussed in S&OP as well as on S&OP Maturity. See how your company compares.

Key Topics in S&OP – 2015
Cross industry survey results of key S&OP items such as challenges, results areas, sponsor, design items, and IT. Compare where you are relative to the survey responses.

Key Topics in S&OP – 2014
Cross industry survey results of key S&OP items such as challenges, results areas, sponsor, design items, and IT. Compare where you are relative to the survey responses.


“Drive Growth with S&OP” – Intipesan Indonesia Supply Chain Forum, Jakarta, Oct 2018
Slides that provide ideas for how S&OP can be leveraged to drive growth. Best practices, what others are doing, new trends, and suggestions for getting help within your organization are all included.

“Drive Growth with S&OP” – JPK S&OP Excellence and Analytics Summit, Boston, Jun 2018
Slides that provide ideas for how S&OP can be leveraged to drive growth. Best practices, what others are doing, new trends, and suggestions for getting help within your organization are all included.

“Find, Measure, and Manage Results Throughout Your Supply Chain” – APICS/CSCMP/ISM Holiday Event, Boston, 2015
Infographic summarizing techniques from the book Sales & Operations Planning RESULTS, that was presented at this event. See a packed one page PDF with summary ideas from the book.

“Using Procurement Data to Add Value, Integration, and Influence”
Video and slides from our presentation to the Institute for Supply Management Boston Chapter, March, 2015. Contains examples of slides to assess the procurement function, as well as procurement’s role in
S&OP, a few slides on CPFR, and how procurement can take a leadership role.

“7 Levers for S&OP Excellence” – APICS
Infographic summarizing 7 Levers and best practices. Note that we’ve now added “Change Management” as a separate lever, whereas, in this info-graphic we had change management running through the others.

“Revitalize Your S&OP” – Institute of Business Forecasting
Slides from our presentation at the IBF’s Forecasting conference, Orlando, 2010. Also see the article above.


8 Levers for S&OP Performance
Instructional video from our training course that describes the 8 Levers that we’ve found to be most impactful when implementing and improving S&OP. Specific suggestions for each lever, full video (41 min) and abbreviated video (20 min) provided. Fill-in your email and we’ll send you a link to stream the full and abbreviated versions.

IBP for Upstream Oil & Gas
Instructional video from our training course that describes how the proven S&OP process has been adapted to the very different value chain of Upstream/Exploration & Production oil & gas companies. The full video is 28 min and a 12 min summary is also provided. Fill-in your email and we’ll send you a link to stream the full and abbreviated versions.

Mental Toughness Interview Recording with Niels Van Hove
Interview recording on Mental Toughness with Niels van Hove of Truebridges Consulting. Niels is an S&OP/Supply Chain expert, based in Melbourne and a certified coach in Mental Toughness which is a set of proven behaviors and techniques to help high achievers reach their potentials. Eric Tinker and Niels discuss the definition, origin, benefits, and some tips that all of us can put into practice immediately. The interview is 26 minutes long and the file is 38mb to download. Enter your information and a link will be sent to you to stream or download the file.
Training Course Overview Videos


S&OP Maturity Model
See where your company ranks and some ideas for developing to the next level.

8 Levers for S&OP Performance
See some summarized material from our training course.

Ideas for Driving Growth with S&OP
Also see the Conferences section above to get all the slides.