Benchmark Surveys

Portfolio Review & Demand Planning

Topics across challenges, process, roles & responsibilities, information technology, and results

Quick and immediate results

Please see below for very quick surveys (just a few questions, 2 minutes!) on:

1. What others are doing with Portfolio Review (We find this S&OP component is the most variable across organizations.)

2. Ways to get Sales on-board with Demand Planning (We know this is often a challenge!)

Responses are anonymous unless you enter a company email address (if you choose to enter an email at all) or your name. If you do either, responses are completely confidential and data in all reports are only reported in the aggregate.

Our latest full report is available below that also addresses the Portfolio Review questions.

Please feel free to use the data as you see fit, just credit Nexview Consulting, LLC.

Get our latest report right now


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See where your process falls on our scale and get some ideas to get to the next level!

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