S&OP Benchmark Survey
Key Topics in S&OP
Topics across challenges, process, roles & responsibilities, information technology, and results
Topics across challenges, process, roles & responsibilities, information technology, and results
The survey has 22 questions, should take only 10-15 minutes max. You’ll get immediate auto-generated results of prior responses in the database. At year-end we will analyze, add some commentary, and distribute to our community early in the new year.
Responses are completely anonymous unless you enter a company email address (if you choose to enter an email at all) or your name. If you do either, responses are completely confidential and data in all reports are only reported in the aggregate.
You’ll also receive a link to the latest full report below upon survey completion, no email required.
Please feel free to use the data as you see fit, just credit Nexview Consulting, LLC.
See how roles & responsibility definition in your organization compares.
Also receive an occasional email with helpful content, no spam we promise!